Sunday, 17 January 2016

Sunday bakes - 'Second Christmas' sweet raw tart

I found a lot of dates. And I do mean a LOT! Tescos were selling them by the (big box) so this week I decided to try out a recipe using dates as both a sweetener and a binder. Dates are brilliant because in their natural unadulterated state they are incredibly sweet and sticky. So whilst not being the healthiest thing to eat (they are about 80% sugar), it is natural sugars and they do also contain fibre and protein. 

So this time I've made an (almost) entirely raw foods tart, which is flour free as well, thanks to another new discovery, banana chip flour. This is a fine powder that I found in my local health foods shop made almost entirely of dried and ground bananas, neat!

300g pitted dates
40g ground almonds
40g banana flour
2 sliced kiwis
1 sliced apricot
2 tbsp lemon curd

Put the dates, the almonds and the banana flour into a blender and blitz into a crumbly paste. Spoon into your dish and press down into a firm crust with your spoon. 

Spoon the lemon curd over the top and spread evenly, then arrange the fruit on top. 

Super easy, and the crust holds together nicely. 

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